Freitag, 10. April 2015

DeePee’s Cookbook

Cookbook:48 pages, 21 x 28 cm, hardcover, each doublepage a recipe of DeePee designed as a piece of art
edition of 100, signed and numbered (01/100 to 100/100)
Graphic art:
23,5 x 21cm (paper 32,5 x 29cm), mixed media on linocut (each specimen different)
edition of 100, signed and numbered (01/100 to 100/100)
Bundle of both: 59,– €

Freitag, 3. April 2015


save the date: june 4th - 28th, Mainz, Germany
June 4th, vernissage with red food and drinks
June 6th, talk about the early beginninge of the art of graphzines in the 1970ies and 1980ies in Paris